- Group members: Jan Foremski, Arman Martirosyan, Martyna Nowakowska
- Write-up in PDF
- Abstract:
As Hendal (2020) notes, translations of news and media reports started to gain academic attention “as a
specific type of translation in translation studies” only in recent years (p. 382). The present project will
aim to contribute to this field by studying translation trends found in the multilingual country reports
published by Human Rights Watch. The latter is an international non-governmental organization founded
in 1978 that “investigates and reports on abuses happening in all corners of the world (About Us). Every
year, the organization publishes its World Report, originally written in English and then translated into the
respective language(s) spoken in the given country.
Our study will concentrate on two countries: Poland and Armenia, and their 2020 reports. The
former, stuck between Central and Eastern Europe, is nowadays at the center of attention concerning its
democratic status, especially within the European Union. The latter, on the other hand, recently went
through a military conflict and political turmoil. Both countries have a known record of human rights
violations when it comes to minorities and marginalized groups, which their respective media and news
channels often do not report on or do so incorrectly/insufficiently. Human Rights Watch has expanded its
work “to address abuses against those likely to face discrimination, including women, LGBT people, and
people with disabilities” (About Us). Thus, its country reports – by admittingly including chapters on these
groups – can have a positive effect since they somewhat fill in the gap of the local mainstream media.